About Her

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Little Moments Of Bliss is a silhouette of a feeling that resides in my heart. A software engineer by degree, a writer at heart, and a teacher by profession, I'm all that I never thought I would be. Pretty pictures,a poem that blatantly refuses to rhyme, a text from a deranged friend, a sudden gesture of love, its these little things in life, that matter and sprinkle bliss. Grace the couch and share a cuppa!

June 12, 2012

Summer Rain.

It seemed like a subtle mischief of the sky,
A little rain, a little change, was needed to discover, Who was I.
Leaves swam away with the cold breeze, not knowing why,
there was this sudden tease.

The carefree wind mellowed into a lullaby, making my senses dance,
Oh! wait, This is me ! A part of me, where I never threw a glance.
'Come, ride with me' , coaxed the wind,
Only if I knew, how it was such a beautiful trance.

I walked like the air I breathe, on the grass so green, in the gloomy lane,
as the cotton clouds played, and sprinkled the Summer Rain.


PS - Surabhi Surendra from Womanatics has started a series of interviews on her blog featuring her fellow bloggers, who have impressed her with their work. I have been obliged to be her first. Head over :)


  1. That was really sweet :) It describes summer rain quite well. One of the true blisses in life. A lovely spot of rain, or a cool breeze, on a summers day.

  2. very sweet, Serendipity. And congrats on that interview:)

  3. I alwys wanna to write a poem but i suck in writin one... And i so much admire ppl who write a poem.. I meant i admired yur poem :)

  4. It's so sweet as rain...

  5. Very cheerful and lovely poem :)
    Enjoyed reading it :)

    Please check out my latest poem Cactus

  6. Congrats on the interview and a vibrant poem :)

  7. wowo that is lovely poem ..

    and congrats on the interview


  8. I could just flow with your words....amazing! Congrats

  9. This brightened up my day! Thank YOU!

  10. A true capture of the spirit of rain!Congratulations for being the first one to lead in the interview:)

  11. Loved it..esp the title..kinda remind me of the song "Summer breeze"..


Scribble some love !